Monday, May 13, 2019

every single day

The day after aku bagun tidur plane to release tengok jam masih tak berganjak 10.30 pagi but you never know jam itu sudah kehabisan batery,i suppose so to siram pokok make my best to do but how i hate the voice that always heard before...

i wont be around much longer at outsite my house,mak stood frozen in place balik kedai,her voice was so commanding that within seconds butler me were both at her side.and the voice kedengaran lagi.mak beleter marahkan aku kenapa aku nak bagi hadiah istimewa dan mencelahlah bunyi itu di jalan raya tempat aku bekerja HAHAHAHA

Listen,you ashole,nobody fuck around with me ,understand?As far as concerned,orang lebih kenal orang lebih kecam aku leceh dekat rumah aku and that's it.

all must think i'm stupid,it's today or never hour ago on evening owh i can see what flower of pokok  ,flowers come to me i never received flower smell but in that nose orang  they akready smell the taik kot to hard cought n sneezing

by the time aku huurrrmmm know those kinds of dreams don't come true maybe sampai kiamat pun at them people batuk bersin how you look to people...i go inside my post to poor another glass from secawan kopi yang belum habis di minum sitting smoking selepas berbuka puasa.

have all people got any money at all wondering i tell you about the thousand i got from god.two hundred grand i get some work today.maybe you shouldn't have put some of those things of food down your bulan puasa baterlah kan,kan,kan nenek kan

mak,i think we're both growing up end of cerita aku nak tidur esok apa pula bunyinya.

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Muddy depression

Oktober Bagun tidur tidur rest jap kimio terapi Last monthly emergency frustsation leave peace fully carefully duty house keeping